Here's the latest incarnation of my project. To represent each comic book title in an abstract way I finally got it to make sense with balloons (thats pretty abstract right?)
Each balloon is a comic book title that's been released in the period between Jan 2005 and Dec 2010. This could mean it has been released every month, every 2 months, every 2 weeks etc, but not necessarily consistently each time. Some get cancelled, som get delayed and only might manage a few a year.
The colours represent different publishers:
Red = Marvel Comics (eg; Amazing Spider-man, X-men, Avengers)
Blue = DC Comics. (eg; Batman, Superman, Green Lantern)
Green = Image comics. (Spawn, Walking Dead)
Dark Grey = Dark Horse Comics ( Hellboy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Black = Everyone else.
The Y-axis (how high the balloon is floating) reveals how much the title has sold. Higher = more.
The X-axis reveals how many issues of that comic were released. left = few, right =loads.
Also, the size of the balloon represents how much it has sold so larger = more.
The image is 2000x1000.
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