Monday, March 14, 2011

Initial Data Vis Results

Here's some images I created using Processing. The data, at the moment, is an excel file of a list of each comic book title released in since 2005. That is, each title that made it into the top 300 of the month it was released.

There are 18944 titles listed here. At the moment, the size, position, colour and opacity are random.
If nothing else I could say that the images highlight the many, many comic book titles available each month.
I'd hope to incorporate the sales figures of titles into the images somehow to give them some structure. The average sale of a single issue a month nowdays is between 80,000 and 120,000 roughly. Back in the mid-90's the average was over a million.
Still, some pretty cool results so far. The images are 6000x4000 in size.

These are how the images appear on screen at 100% zoom:

The actual complete images:

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